Neighborhood Action Plan Summary - Phase I


Year One
Housing *
Mod #s
08 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Improve Existing Housing $185,000.00 $45,000.00 $26,000.00 $48,000.00 $40,000.00 $105,655.50 __$449,655.50 $449,655.50 $7,577.52 5,17,35 Rental Property Improvement Grants _ $42,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $1,737.50 __$103,737.50 $103,737.50   21,32,35 Inspections/Estimates _ _______      18 Matching Grants $100,000.00 $69,000.00 $56,000.00 $80,000.00 $80,000.00 $80,000.00 __$465,000.00 $465,000.00   5 Energy Efficiency Grants $40,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 __$100,000.00 $100,000.00 Home Additions Deferred Loans _ $75,000.00 $53,000.00 $24,000.00 $49,000.00 $14,632.00 __$215,632.00 $215,632.00   9,10,14,33,35 Acquisition, Demo, Infill $100,000.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $30,746.00 __$290,746.00 $290,746.00   36 Housing Office $6,500.00 $45,216.00 $68,216.00 $97,216.00 $59,216.00 $55,216.00 __$331,580.00 $331,580.00   3,10,24 Code Compliance _ $3,000.00 ___$3,000.00 __$6,000.00 $6,000.00   21 Loans/Grants for Property Improvement _ _______      3, 10 Grants for Property Improvements _ _______      10 Contracts for Deed _ _______      10 Reconvert Duplex to Single Family _ $34,000.00 $66,000.00 $20,000.00 $33,000.00 $28,975.00 __$181,975.00 $181,975.00   5,10,14,33,35 Landlord/Tenant Association _ _______      17,28 Revolving Loan Fund for Rehab _ _______      18
05 SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT Community Resource Coordinator _ $212,775.08 $25,458.00 $25,458.00 $12,458.00 $25,458.00 __$301,607.08 $156,835.68   1,13,18,21,25,26,33 Renovate Matthew's Center $140,000.00 $252,825.27 ______$392,825.27     16 Sports Equipment _ $19,980.17 ______$19,980.17     36 Volunteer-School Partnership _ _______      20,28 Seward School Media Center _ $20,000.00 ______$20,000.00 Community Policing _ $33,953.64 ______$33,953.64     7,18,20,21,22,27,32 Youth Programming _ $58,273.64 $14,158.80 $14,158.80 $22,158.80 $14,158.80 $5,000.00 _$122,908.84   $5,000.00 1,7,16,18,28,32 Organize Block Clubs _ $69,902.91 $17,420.60 $17,420.60 $17,420.60 $17,490.99 __$139,655.70     1,27,29,32,36 Educational Video for Landlords _ $4,000.00 ______$4,000.00 Peace Site _ $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 _$2,836.34 __$14,836.34     20,34 Sandblaster for Graffiti _ $1,555.18 $640.00 $640.00 $640.00 $640.00 __$4,115.18     28,32 Co-op Arts Space _ $4,250.00 ______$4,250.00     18,20,2125,26,33 Grant for Playwright's Center _ $49,500.00 ______$49,500.00     18 Implementation Coordinator $7,970.00 $50,930.08 $16,582.00 $16,582.00 $6,900.00 $163.66 _$2,727.36 $99,127.74 $51,546.42 $2,727.36 1,13,18,32,33,34 SNG Relocation _ $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 ____$150,000.00 $78,000.00    
06 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 26th/26th Redevelopment $30,780.20 $594,600.00 ______$625,380.20     2,4,19,20,28 Ornamental Lighting _ _______      23,29 Bank Block--27th and Franklin _ $24,000.00 ______$24,000.00     11,12,34,36 Streetscape Improvements $19,219.80 $244,564.24 __$4,000.00 $1,000.00 __$268,784.04   $138,512.57 6,8,12,17,19,20,21,23,29,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41 Incompatible Industry _ $100,000.00 ______$100,000.00      
07 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Environmental Coordinator _ $67,576.57 $24,308.50 $8,000.00 $14,100.00 $7,360.00 __$121,345.07     1,13,15,18,21,22,30,31,32 Co-op Buying Program _ $942.00 ___$512.00 __$1,454.00     15,22,31,32,36 Winchell Trail Repair _ $4,704.38 ______$4,704.38     22,30,31,34 Plantings Along River _ $1,127.98 ______$1,127.98     34 Community Garden Purchase _ $8,605.32 ______$8,605.32     17,22,31,32,36 Boulevard Trees _ $10,000.00 ______$10,000.00 Energy Fair _ $1,215.90 ______$1,215.90     31,36
4.4.2c.7 Eco-Teams _ $630.00 ______$630.00      
4.4.2c.9 Reuse of Yard Waste _ _______      21 Solar and Wind Generators _ $24,916.00 ______$24,916.00     22,30
09 TRANSPORTATION Bike Routes _ $362.27 ______$362.27     23,24,28,32 Transit Hubs _ $2,000.00 ______$2,000.00   $8,333.19 23,37 Traffic Plan _ $4,000.00 ______$4,000.00     15
PHASE 1r TOTAL  $24,035.76             $24,035.76   $70,911.07  
TOTAL$629,470.00 $2,310,442.39 $493,783.90 $477,475.40 $410,893.40 $401,581.79 $4,723,646.88 $2,430,708.11 $233,061.71  
% FOR HOUSING52%    
*Some values in the Total Housing column are administrative costs that are housing related.
No.Plan Step ModifiedApprovedDescription
1Early Access09/11/95The Seward Neighborhood Group requested a plan modification to move funds between the various staffing portions of the plan. Specifically, the Community Coordinator position (Social Environment, (Goal 1, Objective 1, Strategy 1) is reduced $3,222 per year; Organize Block Clubs (Social Environment 4.2.1) is reduced $2,424.40 per year; Youth Programming (Social Environment 4.1.3) is increased $4,958.80 per year; NRP Implementation Coordinator (Social Environment 7.5.1.) is increased $7,978 per year for 1995-97 and decreased $8,604 per year for 1998 and 1999; and Environmental Coordinator (Natural Environment 1.1.1) is increased $9,127.50 per year in 1995-96 and decreased $7,181 per year for 1997-99. PLEASE NOTE: This modification is over the approved appropriation for 1995, 1996 and 1997; it is under the approved appropriation for 1998 and 1999. The amount actually appropriated for the plan is noted above.
2Early Access03/04/96The NRP Director approved a modification to the Early Access proposal for 26th/26th Redevelopment allowing for an additional $12,000 to extend the option on the mirage property until 9/96. (This modification does not change any dollar allocations in the plan.
3Full Action Plan03/19/96The NRP director approved a modification to the plan shifting $21,576 in 1996 from Loans/Grants Property Improvements (Residential Development 2.1.1) to the Housing Office (Residential Development 1.3.1).
4Full Action Plan04/22/96The NRP Policy Board approved a modification of the plan removing the YWCA from the Economic Development chapter of the plan (3.4.1) and replacing it with site acquisition and preparation at 26th Avenue and 26th Street.
5Full Action Plan07/16/96The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan shifting $60,000 to Reconvert Duplexes to Single Family (Housing Development 2.3.1). Specifically, $25,000 is shifted from Improve Existing Housing (Housing Development 1.1.1) and $35,000 is shifted from Matching Grants (Housing Development 1.1.4). Upon discussions with the neighborhood, the funds will be shifted in the following manner: (1) Improve Existing Housing - $3,000 in 1995 and $22,000 in 1996; and Matching Grants - $11,000 in 1995 and $24,000 in 1996.
6Full Action Plan07/30/96The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan allowing for $6,000 from Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1) to be used for site improvements at 27th and Franklin for the Crown Video relocation.
7Full Action Plan11/29/96The NRP approved a modification to the plan shifting $20,000 in 1995 from Community Policing (Social Environment 4.1.2.) to Youth Programming (Social Environment 4.1.3.).
8Full Action Plan11/04/96The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan allowing for an additional $3,823 from Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1) to be used for relocation benefits for the new Crown Video store at 27th & Franklin.
9Full Action Plan05/18/97The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan amending two strategies. The strategies previously entitled 2% Loan Fund - Rental (Residential Development Goal 1, Objective 1, Strategy 2) and Low Interest Loans (Residential Development 1.1.6.) are renamed and the terms of the assistance are changed. The strategies have been renamed Rental Property Improvement Grants and Home Additions Deferred Loans, respectively. This change is retroactive to March 26, 1997; no dollars are shifted as a result of this modification.
10Full Action Plan10/20/97The NRP Policy Board approved a modification to the plan to shift $358,424 from three strategies in the following manner: (1) $228,424 from Loans/Grants Property Improvements (Residential Development 2.1.1.) over the years 1995 through 1999; (2) $100,000 from Grants for Property Improvements (Residential Development 2.2.4.) over the years 1995 through 1999; and (3) $30,000 from Contracts for Deed (Residential Development 2.2.5.) over the years 1995 through 1999. This $358,424 will be reallocated to strategies in the following manner: (1) $25,000 in 1995 to Rental Property Improvement Grants (Residential Development 1.1.2.); (2) a total of $80,000 in 1995 and 1996 for Home Additions Deferred Loans (Residential Development 1.1.6.); (3) a total of $173,424 over the years 1996 through 1999 for Housing Office (Residential Development 1.3.1.); and (4) a total of $80,000 in 1998 and 1999 for Reconvert Duplex to Single Family (Residential Development 2.3.1.).
11Full Action Plan10/20/97The NRP Policy Board approved a modification to the plan to revise 27th and Franklin - Bank Block (Economic Development 4.4.1.) to remove language regarding pollution clean-up of the site. Funds will be used for (1) permanent improvements to the property and community amenities to enhance safety and livability ($15,000); and (2) site preparation ($9,000). The use of the remaining $16,000 will be determined later.
12Full Action Plan12/18/97The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $16,000 in 1995 from 27th and Franklin - Bank Block (Other) (Economic Development 4.4.1.) to Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.).
13Full Action Plan01/15/98The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $13,000 in 1998 from Community Coordinator (Social Environment 1.1.1.) in the following manner: (1) $6,900 to NRP Implementation Coordinator (Social Environment 7.5.1.); and (2) $6,100 to Environmental Coordinator (Natural Environment 1.1.1.).
14Full Action Plan06/24/98The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $25,000 in 1998 from Reconvert Duplex to Single Family (Residential Development 2.3.1.) to Home Additions Deferred Loans (Residential Development 1.1.6.).
15Full Action Plan07/22/98The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $25,000 to Environmental Coordinator (Natural Environment 1.1.1.) in the following manner: (1) $19,000 ($1,000 in 1995, and $6,000 per year for 1996-1998) from Coop Buying Program (Natural Enviroment 1.1.4.); and (2) $6,000 in 1995 from Traffic Plan (Transportation 2.1.3.).
16Full Action Plan07/22/98The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $8,174.73 in 1995 to Youth Programming (Social Environment 4.1.3.) from Renovate Matthews Center (Social Environment 2.3.2.).
17Full Action Plan09/03/98The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift funds to two strategies: (1) $2,100 is shifted in 1995 from Purchase Community Gardens (Natural Environment 3.1.1.) to Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.); and (2) $8,000 in 1998 is shifted from Improve Existing housing (Residential Development 1.1.1.) to Landlord/Tenant Association (Residential Development 3.1.1.).
18Full Action Plan01/04/99The NRP Director approved a modificatio to the plan to shift a total of $25,500 from the following strategies: (1) $10,000 ($2,000 per year 1995-99) from Inspections/Estimates (Residential Development 1.1.3.); (2) $5,000 in 1995 from Revolving Loan Fund for Rehab (Residential Development 3.2.1.); (3) $8,000 in 1995 from Community Policing (Social Environment 4.1.2.); (4) $2,000 in 1995 from Coop Arts Space (Social Environment 5.1.1.); and (5) $500 in 1995 from Grant for Playwright's Center (Social Environment 5.4.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $317.08 in 1995 to Community Coordinator (Social Environment 1.1.1.); (2) $6,746.28 in 1995 to Youth Programming (Social Environment 4.1.3.); (3) $1,306.39 in 1995 to NRP Implementation Coordinator (Social Environment 7.5.1); and (4) $17,130.25 ($9,130.25 in 1995 and $2,000 per year 1996-99) to Environmental Coordinator (Natural Environment 1.1.1.).
19Full Action Plan03/17/99The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $42,459.40 in program income from 26th/26th Redevelopment (Economic Development 3.4.1.) to Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.) to support the redevelopment of the Franklin Village properties. Please note that at the time of this modification, only $28,239.60 of the program income has been received; the remainder of the proceeds from the sale of Pearson's ($19,219.80) will be transferred shortly.
20Full Action Plan09/22/99The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $15,000 ($10,000 in 1995; $4,000 in 1998; and $1,000 in 1999) to Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.). These funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $5,000 in 1995 from Community Policing (Social Environment 4.1.2.); (2) $5,000 ($4,000 in 1998 and $1,000 in 1999) from Peace Site (Social Environment 4.3.3.); and (3) $5,000 in 1995 from Coop Arts Space (Social Environment 5.1.1.). The plan modification also reallocates $5,000 in program income from 26th/26th Redevelopment (Economic Development 3.4.1.) to Volunteer Partnership Program (Social Environment 3.2.2.).
21Full Action Plan02/20/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate (1) $3,000 in 1995 from Community Policing (Social Environment 4.1.2.) and $3,000 in 1999 from Rental Property Improvement Grants (Residential Development 1.1.2.) to Ensure Code Compliance (Residential Development 1.3.3.); (2) $109,800 in 1995 from Coop Arts Space (Social Environment 5.1.1.) to Community Coordinator (Social Environment 1.1.1.); (3) $10,000 in 1995 from Coop Arts Space (Social Environment 5.1.1.) to Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.); and (4) $500 in 1995 from Reuse of Yard Waste (Natural Environment 4.2c.9.) to Environmental Coordinator (Natural Environment 1.1.1.). The modification also revises the language of two strategies. Community Coordinator (Social Environment 1.1.1.) is revised to allow funds to be used to cover administrative expenses related to the development and delivery of programs. Coop Arts Space (Social Environment 5.1.1.) is revised to allow for the renovation or construction of studio space for art businesses in the neighborhood. Approval of this plan modification is retroactive to November 15, 2000.
22Full Action Plan10/17/01 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $24,419 ($19,059 in 1995 and $5,360 in 1999) to Environmental Coordinator (Natural Environment 1.1.1.) from the following five strategies: (1) $5,360 in 1999 from Coop Buying Program (Natural Environment 1.1.4.); (2) $1,168 in 1995 from Winchell Trail Repair (Natural Environment 2.1.1.); (3) $2,807 in 1995 from Purchase Community Gardens (Natural Environment 3.1.1.); (4) $8,084 in 1995 from Solar and Wind Generators (Natural Environment 4.3.2.); and (5) $7,000 in 1995 from Community Policing (Social Environment 4.1.2.).
23Full Action Plan10/25/01 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $57,000 in 1995 to Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.) from the following three strategies: (1) $19,000 in 1995 from Bike Routes (Transportation 1.1.1.); (2) $13,000 in 1995 from Transit Hubs (Transportation 2.1.1.); and (3) $25,000 in 1995 from Ornamental Lighting (Economic Development 4.3.1.). from Solar and Wind Generators (Natural Environment 4.3.2.); and (5) $7,000 in 1995 from Community Policing (Social Environment 4.1.2.).
24Full Action Plan10/10/02The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $24,000 in 1995 to Housing Office (Residential Development 1.3.1.) from Bike Routes (Transportation 1.1.1.). An addendum to the modification, dated November 12, 2002, allows for these funds to be used to cover 2001 expenses of the Housing Office.
25Full Action Plan03/03/03The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in 1995 to Community Coordinator (Social Environment 1.1.1.) from Coop Arts Space (Social Environment 5.1.1.).
26Full Action Plan03/03/03 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in 1995 to Community Coordinator (Social Environment 1.1.1.) from Coop Arts Space (Social Environment 5.1.1.).
27Full Action Plan07/28/03 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in 1995 to Organize Block Clubs (Social Environment 4.2.1.) from Community Policing (Social Environment 4.1.2.).
28Full Action Plan07/28/03The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $23,038 from the following strategies: (1) $5,400 in 1995 from 26th/26th Redevelopment (Economic Development 3.4.1.); (2) $8,000 in 1998 from Landlord/Tenant Association (Residential Development 3.1.1.); (3) $5,000 in Program Income from Volunteer Partnership Program (Social Environment 3.2.2.): and (4) $4,368 in 1995 from Bike Routes (Transportation 1.1.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $845 in 1995 to Sandblaster to Remove Graffiti (Social Environment 4.3.4.); and (2) $22,193 ($9,193 in 1995; $8,000 in 1998; and $5,000 in Program Income) to Youth Programming (Social Environment 4.1.3.).
29Full Action Plan07/28/03 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in 1995 to Organize Block Clubs (Social Environment 4.2.1.) from the following strategies: (1) $10,000 in 1995 from Ornamental Lighting (Economic Development 4.3.1.); and (2) $10,000 in 1995 from Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.).
30Full Action Plan07/28/03 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $6,000 in 1995 to Environmental Coordinator (Natural Environment 1.1.1.) from the following strategies: (1) $3,000 in 1995 from Winchell Trail Repair (Natural Environment 2.1.1.); and (2) $3,000 in 1995 from Solar and Wind Generators (Natural Environment 4.3.2.).
31Full Action Plan08/07/03 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $8,649 in 1995 to Environmental Coordinator (Natural Environment 1.1.1.) from the following strategies: (1) $3,058 in 1995 from Coop Buying Program (Natural Environment 1.1.4.); (2) $3,872 in 1995 from Winchell Trail Repair (Natural Environment 2.1.1.); (3) $1,435 in 1995 from Purchase Community Gardens (Natural Environment 3.1.1.); and (4) $284 in 1995 from Sponsor Energy Fair (Natural Environment 4.1.4.).
32Full Action Plan10/15/03 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $24,147.46 in 1995 from the following strategies: (1) $3,000 in 1995 from Rental Property Improvement Grants (Residential Development 1.1.2); (2) $20,146.36 in 1995 from Community Policing (Social Environment 4.1.2.); (3) $1,000 in 1995 from Coop Buying Program (Natural Environment 1.1.4.); and (4) $1.10 in 1995 from Purchase Community Gardens (Natural Environment 3.1.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $0.83 in 1995 to Youth Programming (Social Environment 4.1.3.); (2) $7,842.31 in 1995 to Organize Block Clubs (Social Environment 4.2.1.); (3) $70.18 to Sandblaster to Remove Graffiti (Social Environment 4.3.4.); (4) $15,664.05 in 1995 to NRP Implementation Coordinator (Social Environment 7.5.1.); (5) $929.82 in 1995 to Environmental Coordinator (Natural Environment 1.1.1.); and (6) $0.27 in 1995 to Bike Routes (Transportation 1.1.1.).
33Full Action Plan11/20/03The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $55,646.02 from the following strategies: (1) $20,196.02 in 1999 from Reconvert Duplex to Single Family (Residential Development 2.3.1.); (2) $18,950 in 1995 from Coop Arts Space (Social Environment 5.1.1.); and (3) $16,500 in 1995 from Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $20,196.02 in 1999 to Home Additions Deferred Loans (Residential Development 1.1.6.); (2) $27,200 in 1995 to Community Coordinator (Social Environment 1.1.1.); and (3) $8,250 in 1995 to NRP Implementation Coordinator (Social Environment 7.5.1.).
34Full Action Plan07/12/04 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $12,018.66 ($9,127.64 in 1995; $163.66 in 1999; and $2,727.36 in Program Income) to NRP Implementation Coordinator (Social Environment 7.5.1.) from the following strategies: (1) $163.66 in 1999 from Peace Site (Social Environment 4.3.3.); (2) $1,527.36 in Program Income from 27th & Franklin - Bank Block (Amenities) (Economic Development 4.4.1.); (3) $1,200 in Program Income from Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.); (4) $5,255.62 in 1995 from Winchell Trail Repair (Natural Environment 2.1.1.); and (5) $3,872.02 in 1995 from Plantings Along the River (Natural Environment 2.2.1.).
35Full Action Plan04/28/09The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $65,233.02 ($57,655.50 in 1999 and $7,577.52 in Program Income) to Improve Existing Housing (Residential Development 1.1.1.). The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $15,262.50 in 1999 from Rental Property Improvement Grants (Residential Development 1.1.2.); (2) $29,564.02 in 1999 from Home Additions Deferred Loans (Residential Development 1.1.6.); (3) $12,828.98 in 1999 from Reconvert Duplex to Single Family (Residential Development 2.3.1.); and (4) $7,577.52 in Program Income from Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.). The modification also revises the wording of Improve Existing Housing (Residential Development 1.1.1.) to broaden the type of programs available.
36Full Action Plan08/17/09The NRP Director approved a plan modification that transfers neighborhood funds to the NRP general fund. This transfer is in accordance with a workout plan agreed to by the neighborhood on October 29, 2008, in response to a misallocation of NRP funds by the neighborhood group through three NRP-funded contracts. Specifically, the transfer reduces the overall funds available through the Action Plan by $45,023.01 from the following strategies: (1) $9,254 in 1999 is transferred out of Acquisition, Demo Infill (Residential Development 1.2.1.); (2) $19.83 in 1995 is transferred out of Sports Equipment (Social Environment 2.5.2.); (3) $26,492.40 in Program Income is transferred out of 27th and Franklin - Bank Block (Amenities) (Economic Development 4.4.1.); (4) $9,147.49 in Program Income is transferred out of Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.); (5) $57.61 in 1999 is transferred out of Coop Buying Program (Natural Environment 1.1.4.); (6) $51.58 in 1995 is transferred out of Purchase Community Gardens (Natural Environment 3.1.1.); and (7) $0.10 in 1995 is transferred out of Sponsor Energy Fair (Natural Environment 4.1.4.). The modification also reallocates $70.39 in 1999 from Coop Buying Program (Natural Environment 1.1.4.) to Organize Block Clubs (Social Environment 4.2.1.).
37Full Action Plan03/22/12The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $8,333.19 in Program Income from Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.) to Transit Hubs (Transportation 2.1.1.). The modification also revises the wording of Transit Hubs (Transportation 2.1.1.) to include start-up support for the Seward Bike Walk Center.
38Full Action Plan09/20/12The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income from Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.) to Phase II strategy, Housing Coordinator (Phase II Strategies, Residential, Economic and Transportation 1.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #38 and Phase II Plan Modification #3.)
39Full Action Plan02/10/14The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income from Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.) to Phase II strategy, Housing Coordinator (Phase II Strategies, Residential, Economic and Transportation 1.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #39 and Phase II Plan Modification #4.)
40Full Action Plan02/17/17The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $20,911.07 in Phase I funds to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $10,000 to Housing Coordinator (Residential, Economic and Transportation 1.1.); and (2) $10,911.07 to Home Improvement Program (Residential, Economic and Transportation 1.2.) . (This is Phase I Plan Modification #40 and Phase II Plan Modification #5.)
41Full Action Plan12/16/21The Interim NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $24,035.76 in 1995 from Streetscape Improvements (Economic Development 4.7.1.) to Phase II strategy, Citizen Participation (Phase II Strategies, Community Building, Arts, Events 1.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #41 and Phase II Plan Modification #8.)
42Full Action Plan06/21/23The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $1,265.07 in Program Income from Phase II strategy, Home Improvement Program (Phase II Strategies, Residential, Economic and Transportation 1.2.) to Phase II strategy, Citizen Participation (Phase II Strategies, Community Building, Arts, Events 1.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #42 and Phase II Plan Modification #9.)

Seward Neighborhood Action Plan Summary (SU-7 P1) run on 01/17/2025 at 3:57 AM