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NRP Policy Board: March 22, 2004 Meeting Agenda



  3. APPROVE MINUTES of February 23, 2004


    1. Minneapolis Public Schools "Second 7.5%" NRP funds for school projects

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the use of up to $459,130 of Minneapolis Public Schools "Second 7.5%" NRP funds for internet lab update projects in six schools.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      Moved: Kakos, Seconded: Kelash

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board hereby approves the use of up to $459,130 of Minneapolis Schools "Second 7.5%" NRP Funds to support Internet Lab upgrades as follows: 1) $80,478 to Anthony Middle School in the Kenny neighborhood, 2) $152,004 to Edison High School in the Holland neighborhood, 3) $28,960 to Ericsson Community School in the Standish Ericsson neighborhood, 4) $46,522 to Shingle Creek Community School in the Shingle Creek neighborhood, 5) $103,706 to Sullivan Community School in the Longfellow neighborhood, and 6) $47,460 to Wenonah Community School in the Nokomis East neighborhood.

    2. Bottineau Neighborhood Association Phase II Participation Agreement

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Bottineau Neighborhood Phase II Participation Agreement and expend up to $7,900 from the Phase II Plan Development Advance Fund for support of Bottineau's Phase II planning activities.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      Moved: McLaughlin, Seconded: Kelash

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) hereby approves the Bottineau Neighborhood Phase II Participation Agreement and authorizes an expenditure of up to $7,900 from the Phase II Plan Development Advance Fund to the Bottineau Neighborhood Association for administrative support associated with Phase II plan development activities; and

      FURTHER RESOLVED: That this expenditure be included in the neighborhood's Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan as part of their Phase II allocation.


    1. Phase II Allocation Formula

      ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt the formulae recommended by the Task Force on Phase II Allocations and distributed to the Board on January 26.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      Moved: Kelash, Seconded: Olson

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) adopts the attached Phase II NRP Formulae Options-Proposed Recommendation of the Board Task Force on Phase II as the basis for the allocation of Phase II funds to neighborhoods.

      Moved: Kelash, Seconded: Kakos

      RESOLVED: That $25,000 of the amount available for Phase II neighborhood allocations be allocated for the Sumner - Glenwood neighborhood and that this neighborhood meet the same requirements as all other neighborhoods before any expenditure of these funds is approved.

      Moved: Kakos, Seconded: Kelash

      RESOLVED: That $100,000 of the amount available for Phase II neighborhood allocations be allocated for the University neighborhood and that this neighborhood meet the same requirements as all other neighborhoods before any expenditure of these funds is approved.

      Moved: Kelash, Seconded: Kakos

      RESOLVED: That every other residential neighborhood in the City shall receive at least $100,000 from the allocation of Phase II neighborhood funds.


      RESOLVED: That $1.5 million of the total revenues received in Phase II be reserved for unexpected administrative costs and set aside for this purpose. If the contingency fund is not used for administrative costs it is to be reallocated to the neighborhoods.

      Moved: Kakos, Seconded: Olson

      RESOLVED: That the need for, and amount of, the contingency fund for administrative expenses be reviewed annually after the year-end calculation of Common Project revenues occurs.

      Moved: Kelash, Seconded: Olson

      RESOLVED: That neighborhoods be required to limit their Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan expenditures to no more than 70% of their neighborhood allocation during the first 3 years of their approved plan.

      Moved: Kelash, Seconded: Olson

      RESOLVED: That the Director is authorized to incorporate these changes into revised and updated versions of the Phase II process approved by the Policy Board on July 24, 2000 for Board review and approval.

    2. Commercial Corridor Reserve Fund

      ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt the recommendation transmitted to the Policy Board on January 26 from the Task Force on Phase II Allocations to eliminate this fund.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      Moved: Kelash, Seconded: Olson

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) adopts the Commercial Area Development Reserve Fund recommendation of the Board Task Force on Phase II, directs the elimination of this fund and the reallocation of the $4 million set aside for the CADRF for inclusion in the Phase II funds to be allocated to the neighborhoods.

    3. Phase II Early Access Policy

      ACTION REQUESTED: Defer adoption of the Early Access Policy proposed by the Task Force on Phase II Allocations and transmitted to the Board on January 26.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      Moved: Kelash, Seconded: Kakos

      RESOLVED: That action on revising the Early Access policy of the Board be deferred and that the Director bring a revised policy to the Board in May for review and possible approval.

    4. New Board Member

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the recommendation of the Task Force on Board Membership to replace the Institute of Race and Poverty on the Policy Board with the Urban Coalition.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      Moved: Kelash, Seconded: Hofstede

      RESOLVED: That the NRP Policy Board Chair send a letter to the Institute of Race and Poverty thanking them for their support of the NRP and service on the Board; and,

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Chair invite the CEO of The Urban Coalition to become a member of the NRP Policy Board.

    5. Bylaws and Inclusion Task Force

      ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize the Chair to appoint a Task Force to review and update, if necessary, the Bylaws approved by the Policy Board on April 22, 2002 prior to submitting them to the partner jurisdictions for approval.

      Moved: Olson, Seconded: Hofstede

      RESOLVED: That the chair appoint a task force to review and update, if necessary, the revised Bylaws approved by the Policy Board on April 22, 2002.


    1. Audit Report for Calendar Year 2002

      ACTION REQUESTED: Presentation only

      Download the Related Staff Report


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