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NRP Policy Board: May 17, 2004 Meeting Agenda



  3. APPROVE MINUTES of April 19, 2004


    1. Hennepin County "Second 7.5%" NRP Funds for Bryant

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the use of up to $12,500 of Hennepin County "Second 7.5%" NRP funds for the Bryant Village Initiative, May 1 through December 31, 2004.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      Moved: Schapiro, Seconded: Kelash

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board hereby approves the use of up to $12,500 of Hennepin County "Second 7.5%" NRP funds to support the Bryant Village Initiative expansion project from May 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004; and,

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That this approval is contingent upon final approval by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners; and,

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the effective date of this approval will be May 1, 2004.

    2. Implementation fee for AHRF and Downtown Affordable Housing Fund Projects

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the use of up to $42,141 of unallocated AHRF funds for CPED implementation fees for 2003 AHRF and Downtown Affordable Housing projects

      Download the Related Staff Report

      Moved: Laher, Seconded: Kelash
      Amended by Kakos, Seconded by Kelash

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) approves the use of $42,141 from the NRP Affordable Housing Reserve Fund to pay for CPED implementation fees in accordance with the attached schedule; and

      FURTHER RESOLVED: That the available funds for the 2004 AHRF RFP be reduced by this amount; and

      The following recommendation and request were added to the agenda as follows:
      Moved by Diane Hofstede, seconded by Ken Kelash and adopted as follows:
      [NRP/RR2004-01] The Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board recommends: That item #4 on page 2 in the March 22, 2004 "Policy on Fees for NRP Implementation Activities" should be changed to read ... activity that is administered by any other governmental departments or jurisdictions...

      Moved by Debbie Evans, seconded by Ken Kelash and adopted as follows:
      [NRP/RR2004-02] The Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board requests: That the City provide the NRP Policy Board with the administrative costs assessed for NRP implementation from 1990 through 2003 by year from fund SAD or any other Common Project Revenue Fund.
      RESOLVED FURTHER: That approval of this resolution shall not be seen as a precedent for future projects approved by NRP.


    1. By-Laws Committee

      ACTION REQUESTED: None, report from the Committee Chair

    2. Participation Agreement Approvals

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve a resolution authorizing the Director to administratively approve Phase II Participation Agreements.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      Moved: Kelash, Seconded: Hofstede

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) authorizes the NRP Director to approve Participation Agreements for Phase II that meet the Participation Agreement Guidelines approved on May 21, 2001; and

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Director provides the Board with a written update each month showing approved Participation Agreements and allocations and expenditures approved by either the Director or the Board from the Phase II Plan Development Advance Fund.

    3. 2004 Affordable Housing Reserve Fund Guidelines

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the revised guidelines for the final RFP being developed for the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      Moved: Fey, Seconded: Kelash

      Revisions to the "Request for Proposals" (RFP) for the third and final round of the NRP's Affordable Housing Reserve Fund (AHRF) program were presented by Bob Miller. David Fey moved and Ken Kelash seconded this item for discussion. During the discussion the following changes were made to the RFP as follows:

      Moved by Zachary Korb and seconded by Debbie Evans the following: In the "Selection Criteria" section on Page 3 %C9re-insert "or a construction project" to the criteria that refers to the project located in an impacted census tract and delete "(5 points) The project is located in a non-impacted census tract." This motion was adopted.

      Nicholas Kakos deferred to alternate Jeffrey Strand to make the following motion.

      Moved by Jeffrey Strand and seconded by Cam Gordon the following: In the "Selection Criteria" section on Page 3%C9insert "(5 points) The project is located in a non-impacted census tract and meets the 20% affordability requirement." This motion was adopted.

      At this point in the meeting Zachary Korb deferred to Carol Pass to make the following motion.

      Moved by Carol Pass and seconded by Gail Dorfman the following: In the "Selection Criteria" section on Page 3%C9insert "(5 points) The project is located in an impacted census tract. The motion was not adopted.

      Moved by Gail Dorfman and seconded by Ken Kelash the following: In the "Purpose" section on Page 1, second paragraph, last sentence%C9change to read "Priority will be given to projects that target households at or below 50% of the median income." This motion was adopted.

      Moved by Nicholas Kakos and seconded by Ken Kelash the following: In the "Program Features & Requirements" section on Page 2, item #11%C9change the maximums established by the Federal HOME Investment Partnership Program to reflect the January 1, 2004 amounts. This motion was adopted.

      Moved by Diane Hofstede and seconded by Byron Laher the following: In the "Selection Criteria" section on Page 3%C9insert "(5 points) The project includes quality of life issues and amenities such as but not limited to, off street parking, playgrounds, set-backs on busy streets, green space and trees, and places for yard equipment." This motion was adopted.

      Moved by Diane Hofstede and seconded by Byron Laher the following: In the "Program Features & Requirements" section on page 1%C9insert #6 "The proposal includes the process used for the vacation of individuals and families living in a unit before conversion to a market rate housing. Following discussion, this motion was withdrawn.

      Moved by Ken Kelash and seconded by Diane Hofstede the following: In the "Contract and Closing Requirements" section on page 5%C9insert #7 "That owners are required to give 90 day notice prior to the conclusion of the affordable housing rates." This motion was adopted.

      Byron Laher moved and Ken Kelash seconded to call the question. The following resolution, which includes all the adopted amendments to the RFP was then adopted with Gail Dorfman voting no.

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) approves the 2004 Affordable Housing Reserve Fund "Request for Proposals" as amended and attached.


    1. Hennepin County NRP Social Services Fund Update

      ACTION REQUESTED: Receive and File.

      Download the Related Staff Report

    2. East Calhoun Neighborhood Phase I Plan Review

      ACTION REQUESTED: Receive and File.

      Download the Related Staff Report

    3. Participation Research

      ACTION REQUESTED: None, update on inclusivity project.

    4. Minneapolis & Saint Paul Home Tour

      ACTION REQUESTED: None, preliminary report on the Home Tour

      Moved: Dorfman, Seconded: Kakos

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board expresses its thanks and commendations to all the staff of NRP, and especially The NRP the Home Tour Coordinator, who helped run a really successful 2004 Home Tour.


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