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Housing Loan Survey

Program Recipients

Who benefitted from the loan/grant programs? The loan and grant recipients had similar characteristics to the overall Minneapolis population in the following areas:

Education levels of recipients were consistent with education levels of all residents (question 26).

Household sizes were consistent between recipients and a sampling of residents (question 27).

The loan and grant recipients and their properties differed from the overall Minneapolis population and citywide properties in the following areas:
  • Only .6% of the recipient property owners surveyed were absentee owners (thus, non­homesteaded). However, 17% of all residential structures were non-homesteaded in 2000. Most neighborhoods did not even allow non-homesteaded property owners to apply for NRP home improvement funds. (question 1)

  • Households with children made up 32% of loan/grant recipients, but only 24% of the general population (question 25).

  • 81% of all recipients lived in their homes 4 years or more, while only 54% of the City's population did (question 13).

  • 88% of all recipients where white, but only 78% of the population was. The data about recipients is current, but the population data is from the 1990 Census (question 28).

  • Data about the age of recipients shows discrepancies between the survey respondents and the general population in the 21-44 and 45-59 age groupings. One possible reason is that the data about Minneapolis residents is from the 1990 census and the data about recipients is from the survey (taken in 2001), so some aging of the population has occurred. Another reason is that the census data also reflects the entire population (including renters), and the survey population was only homeowners.

Overview Summary Data Conclusions
Program Recipients
Survey Results
Methodology Related Research Footnotes

Housing Loan Survey Table of Contents


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